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Amazing Animation of Working Together

Here’s “The Power of Teamwork Funny Animation Video” that went viral online showing a group of penguins, ants and crabs in dangerous situation but because they are many, working together as a team kept them safe.

The video clearly conveyed its very positive message saying, “It’s smarter to travel in groups” to its viewers urging them to share the short video clip to others.
As you continue watching the “The Power of Teamwork” funny animation video, you will find out that it is actually a commercial of a Belgian bus and Tram travel company “De Lijn” aiming to promote to its viewers to “Take the bus.”
Aside from giving the benefit of taking the bus, the viewers also learned further that teamwork is indeed a powerful tool in order to succeed in life.
Here are some comments from viewers who learned something from the funny animated video:

“Teamwork gives better results!!!” said Grapes Software Pvt. Ltd.
“Where there is unity, there is always victory,” said Kusuma Ready.
“Great lesson for kids and great way to put it,” said Chris Caris.
“Make sure to check out this cute video! Working together is a great way to solve problems and support each other,” said Pear’d.
“Basically this video can be used to teach the students about the power of teamwork and we can teach them about how to work in group :D…,” said Mohd Aniq.
Video Upload by:  Khmer OsJa
Published on Jan 30, 2013